GIDEON API Query Wrapper


Sets the GIDEON API key

Return type


gideon_api.query(api_path, params=None, try_dataframe=True, force_online=False, cache_expiration_hours=24)

Query GIDEON API and automatically handles local caching and data type conversion.

  • api_path (str) – The API path as stated in the API documentation.

  • params (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]) – Optional key-value pairs to attach as URL parameters.

  • try_dataframe (bool) – If possible, converts output data to pandas dataframe.

  • force_online (bool) – Forces the query to the server, regardless of cache status.

  • cache_expiration_hours (Optional[int]) – Sets the time, in hours, after which a response will expire from the cache.


The API response will be returned as a DataFrame if try_dataframe is True and is applicable to the response data or a Python dictionary representing the JSON data.

Return type

DataFrame or Python dictionary

gideon_api.query_online(path, params=None, return_response_object=False)

Queries the GIDEON API and forces a call to the server and ignores local caching.

  • path (str) – The API path as stated in the API documentation.

  • params (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]) – Optional key-value pairs to attach as URL parameters.

  • return_response_object (bool) – Indicates if the raw requests object should be returned rather than just the data.


Depending on the return_response_object variable, either a Python dictionary of the returned data or a requests.Response object of the call.

Return type

Python dictionary or requests.Response object